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Gaian Gameworlds
Next culture - Archiarchy - is built out of Gaian Gameworlds.
What is a 'Gaian Gameworld'?
It is a:
- contexted in
- authentic
- adulthood
- healing and
- initiatory
- processes and
- radical responsibility
- while providing value to Gaia.
'Gaia' is the local field of consciousness of planet Earth.
Realistic Context
This website hopes to jump-start human endeavors with new business and organizational design possibilities.
The shocking realization is that if an organization is not repairing, renewing, and revitalizing Gaia, it is a parasite.
Almost every modern-culture Gameworld is a parasitic Gameworld.
This website offers you the chance to build and activate a 'Gaian Gameworld' that nurtures and heals Gaia.
Many additional resources are linked into the text for deeper understanding and practical skill-building.
Why don't you already know about Gameworlds?
Think about that question for a second...
If understanding Gameworlds is as important as we claim, why haven't you ever studied about Gameworlds in a class at school or college?
If you were designing a modern educational curriculum, why would you avoid including such a powerful subject as 'Gameworlds' even at the University level?
Possibly it is due to simple ignorance... "We never thought of it before..."
On the other hand... Gameworlds are social organisms. Like any organism they try to defend themselves against being messed with. A University is a Gameworld... If you were a University, would you empower your own customers (the students) to be able to reinvent your traditions, rules, context, and purpose? Probably not...
Not being aware of a Distinction does not mean that Distinction from seriously impacting your life.
'Gameworld' is a distinction.
Let's dive into this...
We human beings interact with each other through social Value-exchange systems called 'Gameworlds'.
Each Gameworld has a consciously or unconsciously specified Context, Distinctions, Values, Rules-Of-Engagement (how to play the game), and an intended outcome... a Purpose.
For example, one Gameworld in modern culture is called 'Post Office'. The way to play 'Post Office' is to bring your package to a Post Office building. There you stand silently in line until one of the government workers has time to help you. You fill out the address in the proper format including the Postal Code, then pay what they ask, and 'Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night" slows the couriers from faithfully delivering your mail. The purpose of the Post Office gameworld is: to make a profit. How do you know? Because if the Post Office delivers your mail on time but does not make a profit this governmental service will be shut down or privatized.
In the Post Office Gameworld you might want to pay with a credit card. But Credit Card is a different gameworld! How do you play the Gameworld called Credit Card? You hand the person behind the cash register a plastic card with your name and account number on it, and a microchip inside. Then your bank transfers numbers from your bank account into the Post Office bank account. However, to play in the gameworld of Credit Card you must already be playing in the gameworld called Bank Account.
And to play in the Bank Account Gameworld you must first be playing in the Earning Money to Survive Gameworld. How do you play in the Money Gameworld? It is a religion. To play in the Money Gameworld you must Believe that certain papers and coins, and more recently, digits in a computer program, have Value. Then you have to acquire some of these papers or digits. How? One way is to make an agreement with someone else who already runs a Money Gameworld to give you a certain amount of Money per hour of your life if you do whatever they tell you to do, even if you do not like what you are doing. Other ways to get Money include spending your time and attention trying to 'Take Ownership' of properties whose 'monetary value increases', or to 'win' in Gambling Gameworlds such as options trading, or investing in digital currencies or Non-Fungible Tokens.
The Earning Money to Survive Gameworld has the Purpose of 'Making Profit for the Shareholders Gameworld', and for paying taxes to the Government Gameworld so that the Government Gameworld can pay people to work in the Post Office Gameworld.
Most Gameworlds in modern culture are 'Win-Lose Games' played with the intention to 'Maximize Profit' through the Fantasy World of 'Externalizing Costs' to future generations, third world countries, or Gaia.
It turns out that if you change even one Rule-Of-Engagement in a Gameworld you create an entirely new Gameworld. For example, the Gameworld of soccer uses one ball and two teams. If you added one more ball, or if you allow players to use bicycles, or whips, or if you add that each team can bring in one camel, or that after each goal the two teams swap one player, it would change the Gameworld entirely.
This means that all the players in a Gameworld a required to agree to play by the Rules-Of-Engagement of that Gameworld or they are not allowed to play in the Gameworld.
Put a tennis player into a soccer team and you end up with a net across the field.
In the Gameworld of soccer, whichever team puts the most number of balls into a net at the other end of the field 'Wins'. But who really 'Makes A Profit' from soccer are the corporate owners of the team and the media advertisers during soccer games.
Human beings fabricate a Gameworld and then step into its Rules Of Engagement, and within seconds we start behaving as if the Rules Of Engagement are true! Even though a moment before we arbitrarily created the Rules out of Nothing!
If you do not know that a Gameworld is a 'Gameworld', then you think it is reality. (It is not.)
If you think a Gameworld is real, then you behave as if you are imprisoned in the Gameworlds used in your local society. (You are not.)
You support the Values of every Gameworld you play in.
Either you consciously design each Gameworld you live in, or you are used as an unconscious pawn in someone else’s Gameworld.
It’s not bad, being a pawn. Psychopaths need pawns… millions of them.
Taking Radical Responsibility for consciously designing, building, and inhabiting the Gameworlds you live in gives you so much freedom of movement that you become a Possibilitator, an Edgeworker, a Riftwalker, a Gameworld Builder.
Don't be left behind playing in a stupid Gameworld.
To update R. Buckminster Fuller's oft repeated observation, we say, "You never change things by fighting against the existing Gameworlds. You change things by building new Gameworlds that make the existing Gameworlds irrelevant."
Mr. Fuller originally said that building new Gameworlds makes the existing Gameworlds obsolete... however, by now it should be nauseatingly obvious to you that existing Gameworlds are already obsolete.
You want to create a project where you can work, play, and be with a like-minded team of social entrepreneurs, edgeworkers and change agents?
You are not sure if it is a training center, an alternative school program, an unconference, a nanonation, an educational community, or a not-for-profit?
You've probably heard the phrase (from the film Field Of Dreams): "Build it and they will come."
What you might not have heard is: "If you don't build it, nobody even has a chance to come!"
By building a Gameworld you Take A Stand for what you have Taken A Stand For by being born.
Your Gameworld is a platform where other people can co-create with you the more beautiful world your hearts know is possible!
There is a high cost to introducing new jargon.
One man recently wrote:
"I'm curious why you're choosing to use the word 'gameworld' when the word 'institution' already exists?
It seems a bit problematic to me in some ways:
• Using different language for commonly understood words makes Possibility Management more 'other' and hence less accessible.
• The word 'gameworld' strongly associates PM with the geeky gaming subculture.
• It will sound immature or childish to many people, again potentially alienating some.
• It makes it seem to me that PM cannot quite handle the hard reality of institutions, needing to 'gamify' things.
What about using the already-existing term 'institution' instead?"Here are some ideas relating to this question:
Is WhatsApp an institution? Is a relationship an institution? Is a Marathon run an institution? A family? A culture? A movie production team? A blues band? A SCUBA Diving club? A bicycle repair shop? A Permaculture project? etc. Each of these are just as much a Gameworld as modern culture's familiar banks, multinational corporations, armies, churches, public schools, government branches, police forces, 'economic-realities', and Starbucks franchises. Each and every Gameworld is unique, yet each and every Gameworld is made from the same components, including a Context, the Rules Of Engagement, a Codex, the 4 Archetypal Lineages, and its Semi-Permeable Membrane that distinguishes its boundaries. Each Gameworld is equally as arbitrary and no more 'hard reality' than a few children setting up a temporary 'cowboys and indians' playspace Gameworld.
All Gameworlds are temporary.
Realizing that civilization's 'institutions' are mere Gameworlds is a wake-up call to realize that you have been Giving Your Center Away, and Giving Your Authority away to false Assumptions, to habitual thinking, to imaginary constructs.
The capitalist patriarchal empire's Gameworlds have enslaved the minds and hearts of many millions of human beings for thousands of years. Does this prove that these particular Gameworlds are the 'real' Gameworlds? No. It proves that uninitiated human beings are gullible and naïve.
You support the Values of every Gameworld you play in, regardless of whether you play in a Gameworld consciously or unconsciously. By using the distinction 'Gameworld' you gain the power to choose wisely about the Gameworlds you play in. You also gain the power to build new Gameworlds that make existing Gameworlds irrelevant. If any set of skills is needed today it is the ability to build and inhabit regenerative-culture Archiarchy Gameworlds.
Who can create and own an institution? Only those holding power positions behind-the-scenes in the ruling regime's hierarchy.
Who can create and own a Gameworld? Any group of three or more Gameworld Builders.The power in using the Distinction 'Gameworld' is that it makes the global playing field equal. Anyone who has the awareness, talent, and commitment to build a Gameworld can build a legitimate Gameworld. Even if only three people in the entire world have ever heard of or participate in a particular Gameworld, it is still a legitimate Gameworld.
Using the term 'Gameworld' for all the Gameworlds we humans build and interact with each other through, opens up tremendous possibilities for personal and cultural evolution. Right now, in this time in human history, we seriously need both Personal Evolution and Cultural Evolution.
Ecocide Is Suicide
'Ecocide' is criminalized human activity that violates the principles of environmental justice, as by substantially damaging or destroying ecosystems or by harming the health and well-being of a species (including humans).
Since human beings emerged interconnected with Gaia's complex ecosystems, threatening Gaia is suicide.
If a Gameworld does not sustain and regenerate the complex, delicate, interconnected ecosystems of life on Earth - the ecosystems of Gaia - then the Gameworld is a parasite on Gaia, sucking away the lifeblood of Gaia and producing only toxic wastes in return.
Almost every single Gameworld of the modern capitalistic patriarchal empire is a parasitic Gameworld. The limit of toxic impact that Gaia can tolerate was already exceeded in the mid 1970s.
The standard modern-culture Gameworld design is hierarchical. This top-down, 'command-and-control' paradigm harvests the creation force of those below and vacuums the benefits upwards to the 'owners and rulers' of the Gameworld. This paradigm is centered on short-sighted child-level responsibility, making huge messes and long-term costs with no intention at all of ever cleaning them up. 'Consumer Gameworlds' cannot in reality function in a closed-cycle-ecosystem such as a planet.
Participating in modern capitalist patriarchal empire Gameworlds is like chopping off your fingers and toes, poking out your eyes, poisoning your organs and thinking you will continue to live well.
Modern culture Gameworlds are suicidal because they are a cancer on Gaia.
Human beings can conceive of things that have no relationship to reality. For example, it is easy for a modern educated human being to conceive of 'one apple'.
However, there is no such thing as 'one apple'!
Apples can only exist in a web of interconnected ecosystems that include thriving fungus in the soil that help apple tree roots absorb minerals and moisture, consistent sunshine and weather patterns, other apple trees and flying insects for pollination, etc. The Gaian field of apple trees uses apple fruit to manipulate humans and other animals to transport apple seeds to other locations and to plant the seeds on fertile soil with enough organic fertilizer to grow more apple trees. There is no such thing as 'one apple'. It is a singularly human delusion to think that way, not to mention suicidal.
If human beings could live without being dependent on good clean nutritious food, air, and water - meaning, if human beings could exist outside of Gaia's sophisticated interconnected ecosystems - then building and living in Gameworlds that do not nourish Gaia would be possible.
But we don't. And it isn't.
We have been so naïve and gullible, so fooled by our minds. We exterminate ourselves by killing off ecosystems. It could easily be the end of us.
There are new global laws for Gameworld design, effective immediately. There is no excuse for continuing to us Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.). It is time to upgrade your Thoughtware.
In the same way that our minds can conceive of 'one' apple when there isn't one, we can conceive of many other things that are components of modern-culture Fantasy Worlds.
Thinking that 'we' can, or 'we' will, be responsible is simply a clever way for your Gremlin to try to avoid responsibility. The Assumption is that someone else in the 'we' will pay the bill and clean up the mess.
It is not 'my fault' because 'we' are responsible. Such a concept verges on insanity because anybody can Assume anything about anything. Assumptions have no connection with reality.
In a responsible universe, irresponsibility is an illusion. Every action has consequences. Every action of a power structure that allows uninitiated adolescents to take positions of power positions must be paid for in full, no matter how high the cost.
Some of the modern culture Fantasy Worlds are:
- Absentee ownership.
- Inheritance.
- Corporate personhood.
- Corporate responsibility.
- Throwing something away.
- Externalizing costs.
- Copyright.
- Ownership of land.
- Ownership of real estate, mineral rights, or water rights.
- Nation states.
- Profit.
- Winning.
All of these vanish as you return back through the Eye Of The Needle to leave the patriarchy and reclaim your original purpose, vision, and mission for your life here on Earth.
1. Any Gameworld that does not nourish the diversity and complexity of Gaia's precious ecosystems is hereby banished from the Earth.
2. Anyone participating in a non-Gaian Gameworld is hereby regarded as criminally insane.
3. Anyone enforcing the rule of law of a non-Gaian Gameworld is fighting for ecocide and has therefore already forfeited their life.
These were always the rules for human Gameworlds on Gaia. We have been teenagers, trying to ignore the rules.
That time is over.
Queen takes king.
Gaian Gameworlds
Next culture Gameworlds - 'Archiarchy Gameworlds' - are organic in their design. They originate in Gaia. They serve the health of Gaia. They create value for Gaia. They serve the evolutionary Context of Gaia. They are designed in the image of Gaia.
Archiarchal Gameworlds have interconnected and interdepending relationships with other Archiarchal Gameworlds.
The Org Chart of an Archiarchal Gameworld looks like a sea sponge, or an old-growth mother tree, in contrast with the a hierarchical pyramid Org Charts of modern culture Gameworlds.
The Source of a Gaian Gameworld is the soil, Bright Principles, Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.), and the Archetypal Lineages of the Team.
We have been trained in Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) to believe that the Source is the 'boss', the 'owner', the 'landlord', the 'Chief Executive Officer', the 'Shareholders', the 'King, ordained by God'.
We have been told that corporations can be persons, that corporations can be responsible, that corporations can own land or mineral rights, that corporations can lobby the lawmakers, that absentee ownership is allowed, that it is possible to be an employee, that it is possible for someone to represent someone else. As a result, even NGOs are taken over by psychopathic personalities because they use hierarchical power structures. Boy, have we been gullible...
It is time to reorient yourself from Patriarchy to Archiarchy. It is time to upgrade your Thoughtware and Start Over.
Participants in a Gaian Gameworld are Collaborators. Collaborators take Radical Responsibility for the Gameworld to thrive. For the Gameworld to thrive, Gaia needs to thrive.
The prototype archiarchal power structure is the Torus (a donut shape) made out of Circles within Circles, and Circles on the Circles that are called 'Nodes'.
The Circles do not have to be equal in size, or equal in distance from the 'roots'.
The Circles are not concentric, for example, where the 'inner circle' takes 'more responsibility' than the 'outer circles'. That would simply be more hierarchy in disguise.
The shape is a multi-channel funnel with the 'roots' being a Circle of people energized by simultaneously loving each other, loving the Gameworld, and loving to care for Gaia. They are the 'Infinity Ring'.
The Infinity Ring takes care to feed the Gameworld from Gaia, and to feed Gaia from the Gameworld.
It is easy to confuse the food sources as the higher part of the hierarchy, but the food source is actually the roots.
Each new funnel growing out of the trunk is a project, called a 'Node'. The Node is a Circle of people taking Radical Responsibility for decisions relating to the Node. Whoever has resistance to a decision from a Node automatically joins that Node to reconsider the decision. Complex Nodes may have their own Infinity Ring to make sure every part of the Node is fed and that things are in balance.
Torus Technology procedures apply, which include:
- The Purple Card (using group intelligence to determine if someone is Hooked into Reactivity and needs a Transformational Emotional Healing Process)
- Frying Pan (to complete communications between individuals that include Projections, Assumptions, Expectations, Resentments, Judgements, Prejudices, etc.)
- The Wok (to do the same with whole group issues)
- Resistance Decision Making
- Wisdom Counsel (to optimize group intelligence for impossible decisions)
The result is a holistic decentralize, multi-intelligence, 3D organism that feeds Gaia.
The question for you is how can you and your Team jungle-gym yourselves so that this thing flies and that you are not limited by or frozen into the diagram?
Archiarchal Gameworlds can be very confusing for people using modern culture Thoughtware because they think that the only thing that has value is money, when actually money has no value at all. What is the actual value of your gameworld for the world? If you are not clear on how your Gameworld serves to reinforce, protect, and regenerate the nested ecosystems of Gaia, you may be in a parasitic Gameworld.
The Infinity Ring is equipped with all Four Archetypal Lineages activated: Gameworld Builder, Evolutionaries, Guardians, Village Weavers. They cannot be dissuaded from taking Radical Responsibility for the Gameworld thriving.Value is created as the Gaian Gameworld exchanges value through critical connections with other communities of Gaian Gameworld practice to create a field of influence for regenerating the diversity of interdepending ecological systems of Gaia.
Thinking that everyone is responsible assures that no one is responsible, and the Gameworld collapses.
Members of the Infinity Ring and the Nodes observe themselves and others in the Gameworld to see what is happening without being asked, without permission, without anybody’s knowledge.
The Nodes feed Gaia through their Gameworld and also feed the complex interconnected ecology of Gaian Gameworlds, while Gaia feeds the Gameworld. This thriving conscious interrelatedness is the success of Gaia's experiment called: human beings.
The traditional 'Bill Of Rights' from the USA leave too many loopholes for corporations and lawyers to sneak through.
Even the Supreme Court of the United States Of America and the United Nations have been bent to serve the psychopathic ecocidal corporate agenda.By replacing the Bill Of Rights with a simple 'Bill Of Wrongs' an entirely new world of clarity is created.
Here is a sample Bill Of Wrongs from the nanonation of Possibilica.
Possibilica recognizes that the so-called 'rule-of-law' of the so-called 'modern civilization' (capitalist patriarchal empire) is a failed construct leading directly to planetary suicide and near-term human extinction. Therefore, Possibilica recognizes that anyone continuing to abide by the rule-of-law of modern civilization is criminally insane, and anyone defending the rule-of-law of modern civilization has already forfeited their life.
Therefore, Possibilicans abide by a Bill of Wrongs.
The Bill Of Wrongs Of The Nanonation Of Possibilica
The Bill of Wrongs of the Nanonation of Possibilica:
- Forbids modern civilization’s rule of law.
- Forbids ownership of land.
- Forbids ownership of mineral or organic resources (so-called 'natural resources').
- Forbids monetizing natural capital.
- Forbids corporate personhood.
- Forbids copyright and patents. (
- Forbids hiring employees or working as an employee.
- Forbids hierarchical power structures. (
- Forbids public schools. (
- Forbids win-lose games. (
- Forbids externalizing environmental costs or social costs.
- Forbids profit. (
- Forbids financial gambling in any form, e.g. health insurance, stocks, futures. (
- Forbids renting money (interest).
- Forbids paid lobbyists.
- Forbids paid politicians.
- Forbids absentee ownership (stockholders, landlords, ownership of multiple properties).
- Forbids brands. (
- Forbids franchises.
- Forbids toxic wastes and byproducts.
- Forbids weapons of mass destruction.
- Forbids armed or armored vehicles (land, sea, air, or space).
- Forbids any weapon with an effective range over one kilometer.
- Forbids disposables.
- Forbids beliefs. (
- And forbids lawyers. (,,
The Bill Of Wrongs Of The Nanonation Of Possibilica does not pretend to abide by natural law, because natural law can be construed to allow parasites, gangsters, vampires, zombies, ghouls, blackmail, corruption, manipulation, revenge, power over, cancers, disease viruses, survival-of-the-fittest concepts, psychopaths, and acts of God. And if you have ever seen hungry frigate birds snatch up and swallow freshly-hatched baby sea turtles scuttling frantically and defenselessly towards the ocean waves trying to begin their life, you know that nature can be construed to allow terrorists too. The Bill Of Wrongs exists in Possibilica out of choosing Radical Responsibility for our Context.
Gaian Gameworld Research Conversations
What are Gaian Gameworlds? How do they work? How can you build one?
Gaian Gameworld research conversation with Scott East, Anne-Chloé Destremau, and Clinton Callahan.
After watching this entire interview, please register Matrix Code YOUTUBEx.62 in your free account at, the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game.
Possibility Management as a Gaian Gameworld, a research conversation with Vera Luisa Franco, Anne-Chloé Destremau, and Clinton Callahan.
After watching this entire interview, please register Matrix Code YOUTUBEx.63 in your free account at
Anna Kovasna interview of Anne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan about ecovillage gameworlds, adulthood initiatory processes, thoughtware upgrades, nanonations, and next culture.
After watching this entire interview, please register Matrix Code YOUTUBEx.64 in your free account at
"It is time to grow up, my son.
I cannot do this for you.
It will require everything you've got.
You may or may not make it.
I hope with all my heart that you make it.
I truly and deeply love you."
- Gaia
New Context
Any new idea will seem to be ahead of its time.
Being ahead of your time requires creating new context...
Edgeworkers tend to create gameworlds that are ahead of their time, ahead of the curve of awareness, seemingly ahead of what's possible.
Most people have not thought of the Gameworld Builder's possibility before.
This may at first seem problematical. However, it is merely the condition in which new possibilities emerge: ahead of their time.This means there is a particular skillset required for Edgeworker Gameworld Builders. It includes holding the intention and creating the conditions that their new idea's time has actually come, that it is necessary and possible now. As the people who need the new idea shift into a framework where this new idea is recognized as accessible, as practical, as possible, then that new idea's 'time has come' and it can unfold itself and serve in its greatest capacity.
Here is a journey to discover what it takes so that an idea's time has come.“The question, ‘What causes an idea's time to come?’ belongs to a particular class of question. Its answer is not the normal and conventional, reasonable type of descriptive or explanatory statement that a mind likes, that we are used to handling. It is not an exposition, concept, or theory. The answer to this class of question is, instead, a principle more powerful than all the forces in the world.
“To answer this class of question, you have to give up your normal way of arriving at answers. Rather than knowing more and then more as you go along, you will need instead to be willing to know less and then less (that is to say, to become somewhat more confused as you go along). Finally you will have struggled enough to be clear that you don't know. In the state of knowing that you don't know, you get, as a flash of insight, the principle (i.e., the abstraction) out of which the answer comes.
“While this is work that transcends ordinary intellect, all it requires is an unusually high degree of openness, commitment and intention. You will need these qualities to get you past the impatience, frustration and confusion that almost certainly will result from the feeling that what you are reading doesn't make any sense. In fact, the statement we are seeking isn't sensible; it transcends the senses. One doesn't test the validity of such a statement by seeing if it fits into one's system of beliefs. The test is whether there is a resulting shift from controversy, frustration and gesturing to mastery, movement and completion.
“Answers in this class are fundamental principles; they are the source of parts, rather than the product of parts. They come as a whole, which whole can then be divided into pieces. You cannot reach the whole by adding up pieces; obviously the pieces don't even exist as pieces until there is a whole of which to be a piece. Answers in this class (fundamental principles) can be known only by creating them.
“What causes an idea's time to come? An idea's time comes when the state of its existence is transformed from content into context.
"As a content, an idea expresses itself as, or takes the form of, a position. A position is dependent for its very existence on other positions; positions exist only in relation to other positions. The relationship is one of agreement or disagreement with other positions. This agreement or disagreement manifests itself in various familiar forms. For example, your position is similar to, cooperates with, or supports other positions; it is independent from or ignores other positions; it protests, conflicts with, or opposes other positions. Positions exist by virtue of contrast, such as being different from, or more than, or unrelated to, or better than other positions. A position cannot stand by itself; it is not self-sufficient.
“To come at this from another direction, we can look at content as thing, because an idea as a position is a thing. That which is without limits is either everything or nothing, and therefore not something, not a thing. It follows then that a thing requires limits to exist. These limits are expressed as the boundary of that thing. Since the existence of a thing is dependent on its boundary, and a boundary, by definition, is that place between a thing and not-that-thing (i.e., something else), the existence of a thing is dependent on something else-anything else. Therefore a thing, a content, is dependent on something outside itself for existence. Content is not self-sufficient.“Context is not dependent on something outside itself for existence; it is whole and complete in itself and, as a function of being whole, it allows for, it generates parts-that is to say, it generates content. Content is a piece, a part of the whole; its very nature is partial. Context is the whole; its nature is complete.
"When an idea exists as a position (when it is a content) then it is an idea whose time has not come. When an idea's time has not come, whatever you do to materialize or realize that idea does not work. When an idea's time has not come, you have a condition of unworkability in which what you do doesn't work, and you don't do what works.“When an idea is transformed from existence as a position to existence as a space, then it is an idea whose time has come. Now an idea as a position literally requires other positions for its existence, while an idea as space is both self-sufficient, requiring nothing else in order to exist, and allows for (is the space of) the existence of other ideas. When an idea is transformed from existing as a function of other ideas to being the space that allows all other ideas, then it is an idea whose time has come.
“When an idea is transformed from content to context, then it is an idea whose time has come.
"In this context, the skeptics and cynics work on "It can't be done" in the context of doing it, so that instead of being a threat or a stop to the goal, suddenly their skepticism and cynicism started contributing to the achievement of the goal.
“All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Context generates processes. A contextually-generated process transcends the existing forces; it transforms those forces. A contextually-generated process aligns the existing forces within the context. Then the aligned forces provide a condition of workability. Every action taken in a context is a fulfillment of, an expression of, and a manifestation of that context. The pessimism, the cynicism, the position, "It can't be done," are ground up by the process generated by the context, and are transformed into the material out of which the result is achieved. When an idea is transformed so that the apparently opposing idea actually validates and gives expression to the idea, then it is an idea whose time has come.”
(from The Hunger Project brochure by Werner Erhard, 1978)
Earthship Biotecture - an idea whose time has come.
Gaian Gameworld Experiments
Discover The Possibility Of Shifting From Hierarchy To Tribe
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.01
In your 3Cell or Possibility Team commit to reading out-loud together and discussing the book: Ishmael (in deutsch Ismael) by Daniel Quinn (MATRIX CODE: BOOK0129.00 for
Take your time doing this together. Six months is not too long. You will be amazed at how much community reading this book together creates amongst you, how much courage it gives you to enter new cultural territory.
Use your newly awakened intelligence to face into your patriarchal thoughtware. Design baby-step Experiments to try to figure out how to make tribe life work for you.
After doing your first Experiment together, please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.01.
This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points for each member of your Team.
Discover What Your Unconscious Values Are
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.02
We are not trained to perceive Values.
You have your Box, your Gremlin, your Survival Strategy habits, your assumed culture that you adopted from your parents, culture, and times.
This Experiment is to find out what your behavior Values, and what your Being actually Values.
Is is easy to find what you Value. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. Whatever your energy flows to, you value.
Come to your Possibility Team, or your 3Cell, and in groups of 3, examine one person at a time and have them start a page titled MY TRUE VALUES in their Beep! Book. Spend 15-30 minutes with each person individually and help them list:
- What do you wear, eat, own, buy, sell, share? Write the Values revealed by these decisions and actions in your Beep! Book.
- What do you do all day with your time, energy and Attention. First thing in the morning. The main part of your day. Your evenings. Your nights. Write the Values revealed by these decisions and actions in your Beep! Book.
- What do you do on your time off, your 'weekends', your holidays? Write the Values revealed by these decisions and actions in your Beep! Book.
- What do you do to connect with others? Write the Values revealed by these decisions and actions in your Beep! Book.
- How do you relate to 'nature' (as if you are not part of it)? Write the Values revealed by these decisions and actions in your Beep! Book.
After digging deeply and documenting what you find for all 3 people, compare notes. By looking at the True Values revealed by the actions of your life, which culture does each person live in? What percentage of the hours of each day? What percentage of their actual attention or care goes to support these Values? How does your culture compare with the others? What do you make of this? At the end, one of you 3 stand up at the Possibility Team and report back what you have Discovered.
After doing this Experiment together, please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.02.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points for each member of your Team.
Take A Public Stand For The Values You Have Been Valuing Through The Gameworlds In Which You Participate
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.03
Human beings only change their behavior when it becomes too painful to keep doing things the old way.
In a sense, it 'hurts' to become more aware. It can be 'painful' to become conscious of what you were not conscious that you were not conscious of before.
This Experiment is to make a public statement that you are committed to the Values of the Gameworlds in which you have been participating for all these years.
This experiment begins with research.
Not long ago a law was passed that required the true ingredients in foodstuffs to be printed on the label so a purchaser can make a more conscious choice about what they are buying: how much GMO is included, what kinds of food coloring, preservatives, fillers, other chemicals.
Recently some corporations claim to use 'fair' practices with the participants of their Gameworld... but not many.
Your job is to choose 3 Gameworlds in which you spend significant amounts of your energy, time, money, and attention, write them into your Beep! Book! as MY FAVORITE GAMEWORLDS. Then research the true Values of each of those Gameworlds.
Then you give a public WorkTalk, write and publish an Article, or Take A Stand in all earnestness at your Possibility Team. Fully communicate that you have been committed to these Values because they have up until now also your own Values.
While you are doing this Experiment, consciously feel and express all of the emotions that arise in you while you do this. Do not let your Gremlin do this Experiment, because he feels only unconscious joy - Gremlin Joy - "Ha! Ha! I win, you lose!" Gremlin Joy about Irresponsible Values. If you feel nothing, you have put Gremlin in charge. Nothing will change for you, neither awareness nor behavior.
After you do this Experiment (not your Gremlin), please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.03.
This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Find Out To What Degree You Love And Are Committed To The Ordinary
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.04
Is is easy to find what you Value. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. Whatever your energy flows to, this is what you Value - in reality, not as a philosophical concept...
Title a new page in your Beep! Book ORDINARY REACTIVITY. For this next week - 24 hours a day, 7 full days and nights - write down each and every time you:
- Complain.
- Listen to a Voice in your head.
- Think things are not fair.
- Blame someone else for anything.
- Try to get back at someone.
- Have a nasty conversation with someone in your head.
- React mechanically with anger.
- React automatically with sadness.
- Suppress your fears.
- Do not communicate your joy and appreciation.
- Block yourself from conscious and responsible (not Gremlin) ecstasy.
- Feel depressed, hysterical, aggressive, despairing, isolated, sentimental.
- Lie (even just a little), cheat, steal, show up late to an appointment.
- Make an Expectation.
- Feel resentful.
- Feel guilty, shameful, jealous, envious.
- Feel not good enough. Feel insufficient. Feel useless or valueless.
- Feel superior.
- Have useful feedback for someone and do not give it to them. Let someone fail.
- Project onto someone.
- Give your Center away. Be adaptive to external authority.
For each incident in one day, give it one count. At the end of each day divide the number of incidents that day by 24.For example, if you count 12 incidents, divide 12 by 24. The answer is 0.50.Multiply this by 100. The answer is 50%.This means that on this day you spent 50% of your time in Ordinary Spaces. That is what you Value: spending 50% of your life in Ordinary. This is neither good nor bad. It is your 'X' on the map. This is where you are. It is useful information for your journey on the Path to learning about and creating or participating in a Gaian Gameworld.At your next Possibility Team, report about doing this Experiment and what patterns you saw in yourself. Ask your Team to create 3 Experiments you could try that would Build Matrix in you to prefer to investigate what it would be like to spend 10% more of your life in extraordinary spaces. Write down what they suggest in your Beep! Book as EXPERIMENTS TO TRY.
After trying one of the three Experiments your Team suggests to you, please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.04.
This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
In A Team Of Three, Design A Gameworld To Deliver Your Shared Values
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.05
Distill 5 central Values that your Being would like to be fed by. We do not know how to do this, so your results will not be perfect or complete. This estimation will only be a draft. Try to do it by thinking of your favorite films, the stories and characters, what fulfills you there. What stories do you love? What happens in the stories that nurtures your Being? What feeds your Emotional Body? Your Energetic Body? And most especially, your Archetypal Body? What would you love to have created and leave behind you for others by the end of your life? Write these all down and make your best guess to distill your 5 True Values.
Share these 5 Values at your next Possibility Team. Ask if there are 2 other people who have 3 of these same Values as you.
Arrange to meet separately with these other 2 people in order to do this Experiment. Perhaps make a 3Cell to make communications easier.
Come together (online or offline) and design a Gameworld that has the Purpose of delivering these 3 Shared Values as services to others.
It can help to review the Gameworld Builder website together and then:
- Choose your Gameworld's Level Of Responsibility (Level 1 to Level 5).
- Set your Gameworld's Context (Bright Principles) and its Purpose.
- Write your Gameworld's Codex (the Distinctions about what works and what does not work in the protocol of your Gameworld. How do people join? How to people leave?)
- Write your Gameworld's Bill Of Wrongs.
- Write your Gameworld's Rules Of Engagement.
- Give your Gameworld a name.
When finished with the first draft of your Gameworld, make a 20 - 30 minute presentation about your Gameworld design at your next Possibility Team.
After designing and presenting this Gameworld design to your Possibility Team together, please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.05.
This Experiment is worth 13 Matrix Points for each member of your 3Cell.
Help Bring Your Gameworld Designer Team Back Through The Eye Of The Needle To Build A Gaian Gameworld
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.06
You may or may not want to do this Experiment.
You may or may not be ready to do this Experiment.
The Eye Of The Needle is an authentic adulthood initiatory process. No fooling. It is a huge step (perhaps THE huge step) for escaping from the patriarchy.
The Eye Of The Needle is literally a Doorway. You cannot go through a Doorway until you are at the Doorway... even if you want to go through the Doorway... even if you can see the Doorway... you must be AT the Doorway.
Study the Eye Of The Needle website together. Figure out if you want to do this Experiment or not in order to build a Gaian Gameworld together.
If you decide to do it, do not do it alone. Do it with someone else holding space for you who has already gone back through the Eye Of The Needle.
If any of you successfully get back through the Eye Of The Needle, it may turn out that your Gaian Gameworld is about preparing people and navigating people back through the Eye Of The Needle into their original Purpose, Vision and Mission for this life on Earth. If so, we are SURE that Gaia will be very pleased with you all. It is time for humanity to go back to zero and StartOver, to shift their Point Of Origin into Radical Responsibility.
After you have engaged in this conversation with your 3Cell or Team, whether or NOT you decide to go back through the Eye Of The Needle, please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.06.
This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points for each person in your 3Cell.
Seriously Consider Inhabiting Your Gaian Gameworld As A Nanonation
Matrix Code GAIAGAME.07
If your 3Cell has done all of the previous 6 Gaian Gameworld Experiments described above, if your 3Cell has designed a Gaian Gameworld to deliver your shared Values, if your 3Cell has gone back through the Eye Of The Needle and started over again in Archiarchy, then this Experiment is to study the Nanonations website together. See what Nanonations are. See what is Possible at this level of cultural responsibility.
If you all agree... if you are totally turned-on by the Possibility of it... if you think it would feed your Archetypal Lineage to try... then, formally change your Gaian Gameworld into a nomadic or land-based Archiarchy Nanonation.
Study and practice delivering Emotional Healing Processes. Specialize in Creating Possibility for yourselves, and for others. Charge money for your Emotional Healing services. To many people they are more valuable than lawyers, doctors, and psychologists, so charge accordingly.
Study and implement Torus Meeting Technologies.
Make sure your people are Decontaminating their Adult Ego State from the Child Ego State, the Parent Ego State, and most especially, the Gremlin (and Demon) Ego States.
Inhabit your design.
Refuse to leave.
After moving into your Gaian Gameworld, please go to your free account at and enter Matrix Code GAIAGAME.07.
This experiment is worth 108 matrix points for each of your founding Gaian Gameworld citizens.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAIAGAME.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!
"You have a chance to live
as an authentic force of nature...
as the conscious intersection between
your Archetypal Lineage,
Archetypal Love,
and the Earth Coincidence Control Office.
The transformation occurs in the moment
you quit serving values of modern culture
and start serving values of Gaia. The change process feels like the 'death and resurrection show', yet it is indescribably delicious to be so engaged with life."
- Clinton Callahan